Allergy Symptoms and Treatment in the Greater New Orleans Area
Allergies Symptoms New Orleans
Symptoms of allergy vary widely from person to person and allergen to allergen. While everyone can react differently, there are some general common symptoms and reactions when an allergy is present, including:
- Itchiness
- Redskin
- Sneezing
- Congestion
- Wateryeyes
- Vomiting
- Increased heart rate
If an individual is severely allergic to an allergen, they may experience:
- Rash
- Throatswelling
- Shortnessof breath
- Tongueswelling
- Low blood pressure
What are allergies?
Common Allergens in New Orleans
Common allergens are substances within our environment that can trigger allergic reactions in susceptible individuals. Some of the most common allergens include:
- Pollen- Pollen from trees, grasses, and weeds is a very common outdoor allergen that can cause seasonal allergy flare-ups.
- Food -Foods including shellfish, milk, eggs, wheat, tree nuts, soy, and peanuts can cause an allergic reaction after they have been touched or eaten.
- Pet Dander - Pets like cats, dogs, birds, and rodents can shed lightweight pieces of their skin, called dander, that can cause an allergic reaction.
- Insects - Insects, including mosquitoes, bees, cockroaches, and dust mites, can cause an allergic reaction in some individuals.
- Medications- Certain medications, for example, antibiotics and inflammatory drugs, can cause an allergic reaction.
How Are Allergies Diagnosed and Tested?
Individuals who suffer from chronic sinus infections or constant nasal congestion may have underlying allergies that arenot diagnosed or treated. An ENT specialist can comprehensively test for allergies and provide appropriate treatment plans.
To correctly diagnose allergies, your ENT will need a history of your allergy symptoms. You will then be asked specific questions as a follow-up to your history of symptoms. The ENT specialist may ask about hay fever, asthma, or childhood eczema. From there, they will ask about allergy symptoms' frequency, duration, and severity. They will also ask about seasonal allergy symptoms, potential triggering factors, and past life-threatening allergy events.
In addition, you will also be asked about your diet and if you have ever done any food exclusion trials to try and rule out certain allergies or symptoms. Your family history and daily environments are also important information you will be asked to share. You will also be asked to provide information about current treatments and medications you are on. A physical examination will also be part of the testing in Marrero, Chalemtte, Harvey, Metairie, and Hammond, LA.
You may also want to have your skin tested. The skin prick test can test for up to 40 allergens at once. Your skin will be pricked with a little bit of the allergen to see if you react and, if so, its severity. This type of skin allergy symptoms test is not a standalone effort but rather something that happens in addition to your physical exam and allergy history discussion.
Get Allergy Relief TodayRelief for Allergies in Marrero, LA
The key to finding relief from your allergies is to determine and treat the cause. With a diagnosis from ENT & Allergy of New Orleans, you can begin the right treatment plan to reduce and eliminate allergy symptoms. Treatment options include but are not limited to:
- Immunotherapy - This treatment can clear up chronic conditions but takes time to work. This typically involved either an allergy shot, or allergy drops underneath the tongue.
- Balloon Sinuplasty - This treatment opens airways to help individuals breathe better. Surgeons perform this treatment in around one hour, providing immediate relief from sinus allergy symptoms.
Seasonal Allergies and Seasonal Allergic Reactions
Seasonal allergies happen just during specific times of the year. Symptoms of seasonal allergies increase:
- During late March and early April, when tree pollen is more prevalent
- Hay Fever can occur in the spring and late summer from ragweed
- Mold spores are more common during October and November due to fallen leaves
Schedule an Appointment Today
If you or a loved one is struggling with allergies, ENT & Allergy of New Orleans can help. We serve patients of all ages throughout the Greater New Orleans area. Click here to schedule your appointment now.
Get Allergy Relief here
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